Thursday, March 14, 2013

Journey to be Ventured

Dido's "Hunter" - I don't know how many times it got played in the loop, before i woke up from the trance.

" I want to be a HUNTER again
  I want to see the world alone again
  To take a chance on life again
  So let me come
  So let me leave "

Words have power. I'm sure this is one among them to get influenced.

When the desires which are almost lost, coz of the ever smothering surroundings, will always pretend to lie dormant, but actually it'll play tricks on us, not leaving us to enjoy any single second of our life by always reviving the things which could have been ours despite the blessings we have, for in a corner of our heart we know that only by treading in that path even if you are the only one in the journey could bring you the Gratification.

Waiting eagerly for my moment to take that giant leap........
"So let me come"......................

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